There’s are multiple Sniper bots on the crypto market – This website has been made to help you figure out which bot you should use. In this page we will review multiple Sniper Bots : Photon Trading Bot, Bonk Bot and Trojan Sniper Bot. All of these snipers bots can be used on Multiple Networks – Solana, Ethereum and Base Chain.
Why you should Use Solana Sniper Bots?
Using a sniper bot for Solana, comes with potential benefits and risks. Here are some reasons why individuals might consider using a sniper bot for Solana:
- Automated Trading: Sniper bots can automate the process of monitoring and executing trades on Solana. This automation can save time and effort, especially for those who want to engage in high-frequency trading or take advantage of short-term market opportunities.
- Sniper bots are designed to act quickly on market movements. They can execute trades within milliseconds, which is crucial in fast-paced markets like cryptocurrency, where prices can change rapidly especially when you’re trading Meme coins on Solana
However, it’s important to note that using sniper bots also carries risks:
Sniper bots are not infallible and can encounter technical glitches or malfunctions, potentially leading to loss of funds. Users should carefully evaluate the reliability and performance of any bot before using it.
With that being said ; We have tried multiple Sniper bots for Solana and decided to review the pros and cons of each bot.
Photon Sniper Bot
With Photon trading bot you will be able to snipe new meme coin launches on Solana at lighting speed – It has a UI interface and it’s different then most of the Telegram Sniper bots like Bonkbot / Trojan.
Photon is :
– 7X Faster then Dexscreener
– 10X Faster then BananaGun & Bonkbot
– MEV Protection
– Pro Trading Terminal
– Easily Monitor Profit/Loses Dashboard
First – you will need to install Phantom wallet once you did that had over to Photon site and register. Deposit a few SOL to your wallet so you can start trading.
How to avoid Sniping High-Risk Solana Coins
Once you registered to Photon you will be able to see 4 pages in the menu

NEW Pairs – This is a page where Photon monitors all of the New pairs that being created on Solana By using that you can snipe fresh pairs that just launched on the seconds.
Trending – In trending Section you will be able to Monitor and Snipe coins that is Trending on Dexscreener
Leaderboard – On each trade that you make you earn points that will be converted to Airdrop ; This page will show you how much points you earned and where you’re located in the leaderboard.
Holdings – Monitor your positions on Photon once you entered a trade – Check profit / loses.
Optimizing Photon Sniper Bot Settings
Before you start trading it’s recommended to optimize your Slippage and Priority fee on Solana Network ; that way you can make sure that your buy/sell orders won’t take too long or get stuck on the Network
On the top menu click on the person icon and choose Settings
Set Slippage fee to : 30% and priority fee : 0.03 SOL – Do the same for quick sell.

Making Money Sniping New Listings
Now that you optimized your buy/sell settings it’s time to find New listings/pairs to snipe to make money. Please keep in mind that new pairs are very risky and have zero fundamental and highly volatile. Now just click on ‘New pairs’ and it will redirect you to a page with all of the new Solana meme coins that created on the seconds.
While you’re making your first snipe with Photonsol you want to make sure that the coin that you’re going to Snipe have zero red flags. By simply clicking on the Pair via Photonsol you can scroll the page down and check for these flags. You need to make sure that the Liquidity pool is burned and Mint is disabled. Also – You might want to check the TOP holders so the DEV won’t dump his bags on you.

In the attached photo above we can see that the Pair that we want to Snipe have 2 Issues – so you should move on to the next trade.
Filtering New Listings to Avoid Rugpulls
Most important is to be consistent profitable while you’re snipe new Solana meme coins launch so the first thing that you want to do is use photonsol Filters to get low-risk pairs however, it does not mean that you will be 100% protected but it will reduce the chance of getting into a rug. While you’re on ‘New pairs’ section on Photonsol click on Filter and choose the next Criteria : LP Burned, At least 1 Social, TOP 10 Holders. Liquidity Between 5000 to 100000 as shown in the photo + mind disabled.